Press release

AFR The Prime Minister in the European-Parliament.


Today, Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmusssen has presented the Danish EU Presidency’s programme and priorities in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Besides the top priority – enlargement - the Prime Minister also set out the other headlines of the Presidency: freedom, security and justice, sustainable development, safe food and global responsibility.

Among other things the Prime Minster said in his speech:

“The most important task during these six months is to finalize the negotiations on the enlargement of the EU with up to 10 new Member States. It was in Copenhagen in 1993 that the criteria for admission to the EU were defined. And now in 2002 Copenhagen can be the city in which the conclusion of the negotiations on the enlargement takes place. From Copenhagen to Copenhagen.

The Danish Presidency will do its utmost to lift this and the other important tasks with which we have been entrusted. We cannot do it alone. We will need all our partners”.

After the debate in the European Parliament the Prime Minister states:

“I have noted with satisfaction that the European Parliament, the Commission and the Presidency share the same goal and vision. A common desire to finalize the negotiations on the enlargement before the year comes to an end.”

To see the Prime Minister’s speech in full please go to the Presidency’s homepage