AFR Anders Fogh Rasmussen talks with Yasser Arafat
In a telephone conversation with Yasser Arafat this morning Danish PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen underlined, that the EU is pressing the Israeli government to bring about a deescalation of the situation. PM Fogh Rasmussen also called for greatest possible Palestinian restraint.
PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen described the situation as a vicious circle. He expressed deep concern over the Israeli reoccupation of Mukata and stressed that the EU is urging Israel to immediately redeploy its forces.
PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen told Yasser Arafat that the EU deplores the Palestinian terror attacks against Israeli civilians. He added that EU recognises Israel ́s right to take appropriate measures against terror, but the Israeli military measures now undertaken were not the right answer.
PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen informed Yasser Arafat that the EU is pressing the Israeli side to allow the EU envoys access to Yasser Arafat.